- evaluation procedure
- Number of days of examination /Audit cost
- Certification Application Guide
- Compliance with the Certification Authority
- Certification Applicant Compliance
- Logo Usage Guide
Examination cost = application/registration maintenance cost + examination cost + travel expenses and other incidental expenses
divisionbasis of outputcostA. Basic fee (including application fee)○ Actual expenses for the operation of a certification body, such as personnel expenses, office operating expenses, and depreciation expenses 1,000,000 wonB. Appraisal Board Travel Equipment○ Travel expenses equivalent to Level 5 civil servants in accordance with the Government
Officials Travel Regulations apply.
○ For the travel period, the number of days required for certification audit and the period required for round-trip to the destination apply (see Remark 1)See appendix 6C. certification examination fee○ It is calculated by applying the average value of the average cost of high-level technicians by business division among the engineering engineer's wages announced annually by the Korea Engineering Association.
○ The period for calculating the certification audit fee is the number of days required for the audit (see Note 1.)-Remark
1. The number of days required for the examination and the number of evaluation committee members shall be determined according to the area, number of visitors, facilities, size, etc. according to the type and sector of certification subject to Article 4 (1). -
If you have any questions regarding the application for eco certification please download and fill out the form below and send it to artwjr@naver.com
Compliance with the Certification Authority
1. Keep confidential all information received from customers and use it only for consensual purposes, and do not divulge it to any third party except for the detailed report submitted in the event of such request and the request of the accreditation body.
- General information (certification grade, etc.) of certified customers will be disclosed to the public without consent.2. If a customer or a third party is harmed by intentional or gross negligence, he/she shall be held liable to the extent prescribed by law. 3. Records that can demonstrate the performance of the certification service shall be retained for at least three years from the expiration date of the certificate's validity. 4. If you want to change the certification procedure or requirements, we will notify the applicant or the registrant of the relevant facts 5. All applicants for certification shall be given the opportunity to use the certification service and shall not make undue financial or other demands for it. 6. The applicant for certification shall not be required to have a certain size or to join a specific institution or organization, nor shall certification be restricted on the grounds of the number of organizations already certified. 7. Only authorized areas are provided with certification services 8. We inform you that we are subscribing to the liability incurred in relation to the operation and performance of the certification authority. -
Certification Applicant Compliance
1. We should cooperate to ensure that the screening is carried out independently and smoothly. 2. It should be argued that it has been certified only in the field of certification. 3. The management system shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable standards. 4. The business regulations of the certification system should be observed at all times 5. In relation to the operation of the certification system, on-site assessment (public evaluation and secret evaluation) conducted directly by the accreditation body shall be cooperated. 6. Management review and internal audit shall be conducted at least once a year. 7. Certification shall not be used in a manner that may damage the reputation of the certificating authority, nor shall certification authorities mislead the accreditation or allow it to be recognized as if it had been certified by an unauthorized authority. 8. If certification is suspended or revoked, the use of all advertisements related to the fact that certification has been obtained shall be suspended and all certification documents shall be returned at the request of the certification authority. 9. If the following significant changes occur in the certification operating system, the certification authority shall be notified within 30 days.
- change of representative
- Change the phone number, transfer/change the business place
- bankruptcy, transfer, transfer or merger of certification registration organizations
- Increase or decrease the size of the certification registration organization
- Abort or close business
- Organizational reorganization
- Revision of the manual and important changes or new additions to related certifications have occurred.
- In the case of certification of the environmental management system, administrative measures are taken for serious environmental accidents or violations of laws and regulations.
- Important changes affecting other operating systems
- Request for re-issuance of certificates due to damage or loss of certificates or changes in other certificate entries10. In the event of a special follow-up examination, a special follow-up examination may be conducted and the organization shall comply with such request. In addition, a certification registration organization can request a special follow-up review if required. Reasons for the special follow-up examination are as follows.
- On-site verification is required due to important changes in the management system.
- Analysis of complaints and information, including social water and claims from customers, results in on-site verification that satisfies the certification requirements.
- On-site verification is required due to changes in certification requirements and certification system of the certification authority.
- In the case of an environment and health and safety operation system, it is necessary to check the relevant operation procedures after receiving administrative measures for major environmental accidents, accidents and violations of laws.
- Other matters to check the site of the certification registration organization have occurred.11. Certification may only be used for the purpose of indicating that the management system conforms to certain standards or other standard phrases, and may not be used to mislead the certification authority that it has obtained certification from the product or service itself. 12. Accreditation-related expenses must be paid within the due date. 13. You must comply with the certificate and certification mark usage promotion guidelines. 14. If you wish to refer to media such as documents, brochures or advertisements for certification, you must comply with the requirements set by the certification authority. 15. Accredited organizations shall record complaints and corrective actions received from interested parties, customers and employees in connection with the certified operating system and submit such records upon request. application method If the certification registration organization certified for eco-friendly tourism by our certification authority uses the certification mark, the following criteria shall apply. Definition of Ownership and Terms 1. The ownership of the certification mark is in the accreditation body, and the right to use the certification mark is in our certification authority.
2. Certification mark: Acknowledge mark and our certification authority mark shall be referred to as "certification mark".How to Use Certification Marks 1. The certification mark may be used by zooming in or out of the original, but the size of the certification mark shall be at least 15mm.
2. The color of the certification mark shall be in accordance with the attached Table in principle and may be displayed in black and white if inevitable.
3. The certification mark shall not be used exclusively, and shall be used only within the recognized scope and validity period, and if the scope of recognition is revoked or reduced, the use of the certification mark shall be suspended for the revoked or reduced scope.
4. Certification marks may be used for promotional materials related to recognized areas.Accreditation organization compliance 1. When specifying the status of accreditation on the Internet, brochures, advertisements, or other media such as documents, the certification authority shall comply with the requirements.
2. Do not make or allow misleading statements about certification.
3. Some of the certification documents or certification documents shall not be used or permitted in a misleading manner.
4. In the event of suspension or revocation of certification, the use of all promotional materials referring to certification facts shall be suspended in accordance with the direction of the certification authority.
5. If the certification scope is reduced, all promotional materials must be modified.
6. This does not mean that certification applies to activities other than the scope of certification.
7. The certification mark or certification mark shall not be used in such a way as to impair the reputation of the certification authority or the certification operating system, thereby losing public confidence.Period of use 1. The certification mark may be used for the duration of the contract from the date on which the certification is obtained unless there is a reason for suspension or cancellation.
2. If certification is suspended for a certain period of time, recognition and certification marks shall not be used for that period, and if certification is revoked, it shall not be used from the date of cancellation.Stop the use of the mark 1. If the certification acquisition organization has been revoked or suspended, it shall prohibit the use or distribution of any documents marked with the certification mark and certification mark within the period of revocation or suspension of validity.
2. A person who continues to use and distribute the certification mark even after the above disposition may be accused of a violation of the Act on the Prevention of Illegal Competition and the Protection of Trade Secrets.Logo